SAS Notes

Compiled by : Wilson Suraweera @ CGHR
Random Numbers in SAS
Data Sub-setting
Selection  of  two Random Samples
Identification and Separation of duplicate records in SAS dataset
Reshape Long list variable dataset to Wide list dataset
Missing values replacement with Means of the respective Variables
Logistic Regression with SAS
SAS made easy using Proc SQL
SAS PROC SQL procedure to access external ODBC data sources
SAS String Data Handling
SAS Missing value arithmetic's
Text analysis - an Epidemiological Case Study by WS - SAS Institute HUG -01 April2011
External Resources
SAS Knowledge Base - Glossary of SAS Procedures from
SAS resources from - UCLA
Logistic regression
          Survival Analysis : Usage of Proc LifeTest and Proc PHREG
SAS Dinosaur - Old and New way of SAS programming
Paul Dicman's Web Page for SAS- This little old discusses SAS 8, but useful
Global Statements Dictionary - Alphabetical listing and Description of SAS Key words
SAS Study Blog
SAS Canada - User Groups


Reading and Writing XPORT transport files in SAS 9 

Q.   What is the XPORT transport format, generally ?

A.   Transport files that are created by the XPORT engine can be transferred across operating environments and read using the
     XPORT engine with the DATA step or PROC COPY.   For example a dataset created in SAS 9 can be read in SAS 8 or vice versa.
     Here is the process for creating a transport file at the source computer and reading it on a target computer: 
       1.  A transport file is created at the source computer using the XPORT engine with the DATA step or PROC COPY.
       2.  The transport file is read at the target computer using the XPORT engine with the DATA step or PROC COPY.
    There are some limitations in data transfer. Please refer SAS manual (pp 31-pp 36) for further details  

  XPORT transport Generation SAS 9 

	(a)	Example of creation of Xport file in SAS 9.4:
	    We select Xport-in library as the ‘SAShelp’ library in SAS 9 and ‘Class’ dataset in it as the input dataset.
	    libname xportout Xport 'C:\Wilson\help’; /* Xport-out Lib name */

      	/* (a.1) Using Data step */
		 data xportout.Class; 
		    set SAShelp.Class;

      	/* (a.2) Using Proc Copy */
		proc copy in=SAShelp  out=xportout memtype=data; 
			 select  Class;  /* if select statement was omitted, whole library will be copied*/
	CAUTION: Do not omit the MEMTYPE=DATA option. Otherwise, SAS attempts to copy the entire contents of the 
		 library (including catalogs and views) to the transport file. The XPORT engine does not support 
		 the CATALOG or the VIEW member type. Error and warning messages are written to the SAS log.

 Reading Xport files  in SAS 9

      (b) Example of Reading Xport files  in SAS 9

		Suppose file path of my  XPORT transport file name 'xpt_infile.xpt'  is  'C:\Wilson'
		and target SAS dataset should be in the  'C:\Wilson\data', then SAS code will be
		libname target  'C:\Wilson’;
     	/* (b.1) Using Data step */
		data target .Class_new;
			set xportout.Class;   /* Previously xport out library is  xport in library here */

      	/* (b.2) Using Proc Copy */
		proc copy in=xportout  out=srs memtype=data; 
			select  Class;  /* if select statement was omitted, whole library will be copied*/
	Note: You can use the EXCLUDE statement in PROC COPY to omit explicitly the data
	      sets that you do not want instead of using the SELECT statement to specify the data
	      sets that you want.

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